You have to try this at home. It is very delicious coconut curry with pork. Or you can choose other meat. Panaeng Curry With Pork recipe is authentic thai food but I like to try different ingredients and if you prefer other you can make your own recipe 🙂 This mixed powder make perfect taste.
2 tbsp. oil
75 g. pork, cut for ½ cm, thick
1 tbsp. red curry paste (homemade red curry paste click here)
1 cup coconut milk (homemade coconut milk click here)
3 kaffir lime leaves, tear the stem off
1 tbsp. ground roasted peanut
25 g. pea epp plant (it’s quite bitter so you can replace with other vegetable)
1 tbsp. palm sugar
2 tbsp. fish sauce (substitute soy sauce)
1 tsp. mixed spices powder (buy mixed spices powder or prepare homemade – click here)
Topping: 2 slices red chilli
1. Heat the wok and put the oil to the wok over low heat
2. Put the mixed spices powder and stir few seconds
3. Put the red curry paste and stir continuously until fragrant and oil surfaces
4. Add the pork, add ¼ cup of coconut milk and stir until cooked
5. Add the remain coconut milk and pea egg plant (or other type of veg.)
6. Add fish sauce, palm sugar and ground roasted peanut, stir continuously until coconut milk became thick and the pork is tender
7. Pour to the dish, topping with fresh chilli and serve with rice